Top 12 Home Remedies for Mouth Ulcer and Canker Sore

Mouth ulcer is normally caused by biting part of the mouth by the teeth mistakenly thereby causing small wound. It is also called canker sore and it will get heal naturally in two to three weeks. Canker sore is a type of mouth ulcer and thus the same treatment can be given to both of them at home.  Home remedies will help fasten the healing process


It may appear with whitish, yellowish or reddish spot in part bitten in the cheeks or lips. Mouth ulcer can just pop up anytime, you don’t need to get disturb, just try these home remedies for faster relief. Earlier, I have discussed the causes and prevention of mouth ulcer

Home remedies for mouth ulcer/ canker sore

  1. Honey- honey has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.  Raw organic honey will offer a soothing effect on mouth ulcer. All you need is a warm water and raw organic honey.  Mix a teaspoon of raw honey in half cup of water. Then swish it in your mouth. Repeat this 2-3 times daily. Ensure you also do this before going to bed.
  2. Clove oil- clove oil is a potent pain killer because of its eugenol content. Dentist sometimes give it to patient to offer pain relief in case of toothache, canker sore and other oral pain. You only need olive oil, cotton ball, salt, warm water, and clove oil. Firstly mix warm water and salt together, use to swish your mouth and spit out. This is first done to clean the sore area. Then apply mixture of olive oil and clove essential oil and apply on the sore using cotton wool. Allow the cotton ball to stay on the sore for about 8minutes. This offer relief from the pain associated with mouth ulcer.
  3. DIY spray – eucalyptus and peppermint contains essential oil which has anti-inflammatory effect on mouth ulcer. It also has anti- bacterial effect thereby reducing the sore been affected by infection. It helps to reduce sore diameter and tighten it faster. These oils also produce a cooling and soothing effect on the sore. Pour olive oil, peppermint oil and eucalyptus oil in a glass mister bottle. Mix together by shaking and spray directly on the affected part.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide- hydrogen peroxide has anti-septic effect. Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with equal part of water. Use cotton swab to dab the solution on the sore. Put it on the sore for few seconds and ensure you do not swallow it. Hydrogen peroxide is not meant to be swallowed. Repeat this for two to three times daily
  5. Coconut oil- this oil also have anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial property. This its properties make it safe and efficient in treating canker sore. All you need for this method is coconut oil and cotton swab insert the cotton swab in the coconut oil and dab it on the ulcer.
  6. Yogurt- quite number of people likes the delicious taste of yogurt irrespective of sex or age. It is made from fermented milk. Bacteria or yeast help in the fermentation by converting the carbohydrate content to organic acid. Yogurt helps to restore the body gut flora and balance it out. It balances the bacteria present in the mouth. Imbalance gut flora can also be responsible for canker sore. Eating yogurt will help you to heal mouth ulcer faster. Ensure the yogurt contains live cultures, you can check the labeling to confirm. You can also mix it with honey.
  7. Salt- get a clean water and warm it. Then add salt and use it to gaggle your mouth for about 3 times daily.  It helps to clean the sore area and reduce pain associated with mouth ulcer or sore. The warm water helps provide a soothing effect on the sore.  Normally, the salt content is lesser inside the cell and greater on the outside. Osmosis helps to balance out the salt concentration.  Do not swallow the salt water to avoid dehydration. Ensure you spit it out.
  8. Aloe vera- aloe is well known for its high medicinal value. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-septic and anti-fungal property.  Its healing effect is not restricted to skin problems alone but also to canker sore. You only need the aloe gel. Mix the gel in the warm water and use it to swish your mouth for about 3-4 times daily. You get a faster healing of sore from aloe vera. It also provides relief from pain associated with it.
  9. Baking soda- baking soda is also known as sodium bicarbonate. In case where mouth ulcer is caused by acidic food, it helps to neutralize the acidity and thus offer relive to the sore pain. It also has anti-inflammatory effect on the sore and reduces the effect of bacteria. You can put the baking soda directly on the ulcer or mix it with water to form paste and apply on the affected part.
  10. Antacid-chewing antacid tablet may help relives pain from sore caused by acidic food. You can dab milk of magnesia on the ulcer gently. Repeat this one to two times daily.
  11. Coconut oil and honey- coconut milk has a soothing effect on mouth ulcers. Mix it with little honey and massage it on the sore for 3-4 times daily. You alternatively rinse your mouth with coconut milk.
  12. Ice- ice will help to numb the pain associated with the mouth ulcer. It also reduces the swellings.  Simply apply the ice on the affected area.  You can use cold drink in place of ice.

Important tips in treating mouth ulcer

Avoid acidic food like lemon juice, mainly because they can prolong the sore healing.
Avoid spicy food while treating the mouth ulcer.
Use soft toothbrush in brushing your teeth.
Use antiseptic mouthwash. It helps to prevent bacteria and germs build up on the sore. Do not swallow mouthwash.
Pay attention to the sore to check out for relief or if there is break out of sore.

When to see your dentist

If your mouth ulcer or sore lasts for more than 3weeks, visit your dentist. He or she examine it to check if its mouth ulcer or other medical condition. Your dentist may prescribe corticosteroid gel in case of stubborn mouth ulcer. Corticosteroid will help reduce the swelling and ease the canker sore pain.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, ensure you see you doctor before taking anything.


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