What You Should Know About Mouth Cancer

Cancer is well-known by most people to affect different body parts like the breast and lung. Cancer can also affect the different part of the mouth including the throat, lips, sinuses, pharynx, palate, cheeks and tongue.  It is an uncontrollable cell growth or sore (ulcer) in the mouth. Mouth Cancer also known as oral cancer can affect anybody irrespective of age or sex, but is more dominant among the people over 40 year and in men and this because men consume more alcohol than women. However, studies had shown that it is getting common among the women and young people.

Although mouth cancer is not common, it accounting for 1 in every 60 cases of cancer. Approximately 2,000 people die yearly in the United Kingdom from mouth cancer. However death from mouth cancer can be prevented. Mouth cancer can cause death than cervical or skin cancer. About 40% of people who have mouth cancer not cured will live for at least 4years after diagnosis and they may live much longer.

Types of mouth cancer

Adenocarcinoma – this cancer grow in the salivary gland
Oral malignant melanoma- it starts in melanocytes. Melanocytes are cells responsible for skin color. 

Causes of mouth cancer

  • Most of the times, rate of mouth cancer is high among the people that take tobacco and alcohol.  Tobacco is mostly consumed in the form of cigarette, cigar and pipe smoking. However, betel quid, paan and tobacco chewing are another means of taking tobacco .
  • Alcohol taking also increases the chance of getting mouth cancer. Imagine the higher risk of mouth cancer in individual that take both alcohol and tobacco.
  • Cancer of the lips can also result from too much exposure to the sun.
  • Families with cancer history- people who have family members that have suffered from mouth cancer have the tendency of having mouth cancer.
  • Human papilloma virus (HPV) – although Human papilloma virus which is spread through sexual activity is the major cause of the cervical cancer and also the skin that covers moist part of the body; it has also been linked to mouth cancer. HPV can be transmitted through oral sexual activity. Human papilloma virus is mainly responsible for mouth cancer among the youths

What are the signs and symptoms of mouth cancer?


Mouth cancer can affect all part of the mouth, tongue and lips. It might first appear as a painless mouth ulcer but it does not heal as it supposed to. It might also show as a white or red patch that develops into mouth cancer.
Unusual lumps or bumps can also be seen or noticed in the jaw area or mouth.
Numbness in any part of the mouth
You may notice persistent bleeding sore in the mouth, face and teeth.
If you have difficulty in eating and swallowing, go for dental examination.
Voice change with dramatic weight loss
Change in teeth or denture

What is the treatment of mouth cancer?

Radiotherapy- this make use of high X-ray energy to kill the cancerous cells in the mouth.
Chemotherapy- this involves the use of strong drugs to kill the mouth cancerous cells.
Surgery- this involves surgery whereby the cancerous cells are removed.
Radiotherapy and chemotherapy can result in dysphagia.  Dysphagia is difficulty in swallowing and it is a serious potential problem. It can result in chest infection like aspiration pneumonia

How can I Prevent mouth cancer?

You can actually prevent mouth cancer by avoid the above causes and risk factors of oral cancer.
  • Do not smoke and avoid tobacco chewing as well
  • Try as much as possible to avoid alcoholic drinks and product
  • Eat a balanced diet. Eat a lot of fresh vegetables like cabbage, tomatoes etc. food with vitamin A, C,  and E protects you from mouth cancer development. Eat a lot fresh fruits like citrus.
  • Have a safe sex to reduce your chances of contracting HPV which can also cause mouth cancer.
  • Have regular dental check-ups in order to identify early stage of oral cancer.
  • Mouth cancer can be noticed at the early stage. If your mouth ulcer does not heal on time and it is lasting for up to a month, see your doctor or dentist for examination. Also do regular self-examination to check for lumps and patches (red or white) in the mouth, neck or jaw area.
  • Early diagnosed mouth cancer offers a high chance of cure. During examination at the dentist office, he or she will use a small mirror to check the inside of mouth and tongue, as this will help them see clearly places you cannot see yourself. Normally during regular dental examination, a dentist will also check for mouth cancer.
  • If he or she notice cancerous cell in the mouth, he or she will refer you to a consultant. Biopsy may be done for you and overall check-up is also done. You may be asked to go for X-ray test, scan or blood test.


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