Top Delightful Health Benefits of Garlic


Garlic is a common cooking ingredient for spicing food. To my surprise, some people still hate taking garlic because of its odor. If only they know the benefit, I believe they will fall in love with it.  I will share with you the health benefits of garlic that will make you run to market and get it.  If you already use garlic, you may likely stock up your shelve with more garlic.
Before now, you might have heard about some of the benefits of garlic, and how the garlic consumption increase mainly because that it is medicinal; and how a lot of farmers want to invest more in garlic implantation. Garlic is a vegetable that belongs to the specie of onion genus.

The first day I ate garlic, I eat it at night and I had to go to work the following day. I woke up the following morning to find myself smelling, I rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and at least eliminate the mouth odor first. Thank God it cleared the bad breath to some extent. I noticed my urine also smells for garlic. This made me to hate garlic at the first time. I confronted my sister who introduced it to me, she asked me how I used it, I told her I just chewed it and swallowed it. She told me if I can cut it into small cubes, and swallow it like a tablet, the odor will not be perceived. I tried the method and it worked well for me. Ever since then, garlic has being my friend. Below are some of the benefits of garlic.

Top Delightful Health Benefits of Garlic


Immune System Boosting

Garlic is a powerful immune system booster. It helps the body to fight against infection, fungi, virus, and bacteria. No wonder it is used in treating vaginal yeast infection. Garlic contains ajoene which helps to treat and prevent yeast infection. Garlic has a high level of Vitamin C which is also an immune system booster. People with compromised immune system can take it regularly to boost their immune system. It makes your chances of getting infection very low. Garlic has anti-bacterial is better that antibacterial drugs in the sense that it does not kill the useful body bacteria.
Garlic also helps to fight different skin infections like ringworm and athlete’s foot. Crush your garlic and apply it over the affected area two times daily. Use cold clean water to wash the garlic juice off. Repeat for days and you should be healed.

For Fighting against Cancer


Garlic helps to prevent different forms of cancer. Research has shown that garlic increase the production of hydrogen sulfide which may likely contribute to its ability to fight against cancer. It helps to prevent prostate, mouth cancer, breast, and colon cancer.
In a study carried out by the National Cancer Institute, they discover taking 10grams (about 2 tablespoon of dried grounded garlic) significantly reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Another study was conducted at Case Western Reserve University; it concluded that garlic reduces the rate of pre-cancerous tumor occurrence in the large intestine. Some other researches show that it reduces the risk of cancers of the esophagus, pancreas, breast and stomach. 



Garlic Reduces Inflammation

Garlic contains diallyl sulfide (DAS) and thiacremonone which have anti-inflammatory property. This makes garlic useful in treating arthritis, respiratory and musculoskeletal problems. It helps to clear respiratory airway

Cleansing and Detoxifying Function

Garlic is used as a detoxifying agent. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins. Garlic is highly useful for a healthy liver. Its sulfur-containing compound will activate some liver enzymes that will expel the toxins. Allicin and selenium are nutrients present in garlic that help to protect the liver.
Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre carried out a study and concluded that taking a teaspoon of fresh garlic with onion daily removes blood cells toxins mainly because of its toxin removing enzymes. This will thus prevent blood cancer further.

Garlic as Mosquito Repellant

In the long time history, crushed garlic applied over the skin has been found to repel mosquito bite, although, there are some controversies about it and thus not yet concluded.

For Nasal Congestion

The mixture of tomato juice, garlic, hot sauce, lemon juice and salt is a good home remedy for treating nasal congestion. Pour the ingredients into and food processor and then steam the mixture. It is hot and spicy and then helps your sinus when taken.

For Treating Cough

Boil your garlic cloves like tea and then drink it. It will help you to clear the cough with consistent use and also reduce the itchy sensation if present.

As Anti-clotting Agent

The ajoene present in garlic prevents blood from forming clot in the body system. People with heart problems will do better with garlic.  If you are going for surgery, do not use garlic as it can cause bleeding problem after the surgical process.

For Toothache and Ear ache


Garlic is mostly seen in home remedies item. Crushed garlic can be used to treat toothache by applying it to affected part. it will reduce bacterial and fungal growth and thus relieve you of the pain. Apply it thrice daily and repeat it for some days and you should be fine.
For treating ear infections,you can mix some olive oil with garlic clove and heat for few seconds. Allow it to cool and apply as ear drop in case of ear ache.

Garlic Lowers Bad Cholesterol

Raw garlic also helps to lower bad cholesterol present in the body. It also helps to reduce high blood pressure if consume regularly. It carries cholesterol from the arteries to the liver for processing. Having high level of bad cholesterol which is the low density lipoprotein (LDL) increases the risk of coming down with different heart diseases like atherosclerosis.

In Cooking

Raw garlic work best in killing bacteria and fungi. When using garlic as your spice, do not overcook. Most cook wrongly use garlic and make it loose it power. Crush it and add it when the food is almost done. Garlic has a great spicy ability that gives a delighting and attractive aroma to your food. It can be included in making soup, boiling meat and other foods.


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