How to get a flat tummy

how to get a flat tummy
A flat tummy or stomach is a common goal among people that wants to look fit. Many of us strive hard to get it. You let away your favorite junks and other lovely delicacies. Most women and even, men admire the flat stomach possess by models. I will share some easy tips on how to get a flat tummy today.

Avoid eating anything 2 to 3 hours before sleeping.

The metabolic rate of your body slows down when you sleep. This reduces the digestive rate. Thus, the food you eat lately at night may not digest fast.  The body will not be able to burn the calories produced and are thus stored as fat.  If you have to eat at night, eat light food. 

Eat Healthy Diet

Healthy diets are flat stomach supporting. Reduce the intake of junks, candies, fast foods and sweets. Consume a lot of fruits, vegetables and proteins.  Whole grains, beans, nuts and lean meats consumption does not cause big tummy. 
Eat good fats s well. Not all fats are bad. Good fats are found in avocados, fish oil and nuts. Avoid trans fats found in baked and processed foods. Reduce your sodium intake as sodium causes water retaining in the body. You can feel the water retain in the stomach with bloating signs. You can take sea salts in place of table salts. Sea salt has lower sodium level. Reduce your intake of soy and its product, it is high in sodium.

Eat Food with Low Glycemic Index

Low glycemic food stays longer in the stomach and you don’t have to eat every hour. The body absorbs the nutrient slowly.  Example of low glycemic index food includes carrot, cucumber, cabbage, bananas, broccoli, berries, apple, tomatoes, onions, pear, zucchini and dark lettuce leaf. Eat more fibers.

Cut your Food Size

Reduce the size of food you eat. Eat small size of healthy meal instead of the large bowl of unhealthy foods.  Don’t eat too much of healthy food. If you like to eat plenty, have of the meal should be full of vegetables.
Chew your food properly before swallowing. Properly grinded food in the mouth is well digested. Don’t rush food when you are eating. Take your time. It will help the stomach to recognize it is full at normal time instead of bombarding the stomach with food. A food that contains seed and nut makes you to feel full on time and can be recommended for a flat stomach.

Do not Skip Breakfast

People that skip breakfast tend to eat plenty food for lunch and dinner. They eat a whole lot of junks and snacks outside. Some people fast themselves because they want to burn belly fat and lose weight, eat small and regular meals.

Drink Adequate Water

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Reduce the intake of carbonated drinks, beverages and soda. Replace sugary drinks with water. Sugary drinks can cause stomach bloating. Drinking plenty water will help in flushing away toxins from the body system. Water also helps to improve body metabolism. This will enhance proper movement of the bowel necessary for flat tummy. 

You can include some fresh fruit juice in your drinking culture. You can get some water orange slices, cucumber slices, lemon slices, and basil; extract their juice. Fresh fruit juices are flat tummy friendly.
Yellow coloration of urine can be a sign you are getting dehydrated. Whenever you notice changes in the color of your urine, first consume a lot of water. It will help you rehydrate your body system.

Reduce your Alcohol Intake

Big tummy in men is 90 percent caused by alcohol intake.  Alcohol contains high quantity of calories especially the beer and wines. High quantities of calories will encourage big tummy and you gain more weight. It might seem difficult to stop alcohol intake. You can easily do this by reducing the quantity gradually.
Alcohol enhances estrogen release in the body. High Estrogen level can result in weight gain which is will not help in achieving a flat tummy.

Involve yourself in Aerobic Exercises

There are different exercises that can help you to achieve a flat stomach. Involve yourself in such exercises. Dancing, swimming, running and cycling are form of exercise that can help you to keep fit and have a flat tummy. Other exercises for a flat tummy includes roll-up; talk and walk. 

In conclusion, be patient while you follow these tips. It’s going to be gradual and perfect. Learn to cope with emotional and physical stress. Do not over eat to cure stress. Reduce junks intakes when you are stress physically. Get enough sleep when you are stressed. Adequate rest is the best treatment for stress. Develop self-confidence as you work on yourself. Do not allow anyone to look down on you and lower your self-esteem. The way you see yourself matters most. Feeling healthy, happy and courageous is all that matters.


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